Since 2013, nearly 4,000 patients got back to living through the care and guidance of our survivorship programs, including Haleigh Curlee.
Haleigh was 24 when she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.
Her oncologist prescribed a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation to treat the cancer, and also recommended fertility preservation to help keep her ability to have children in the future. After learning about the large financial investment required to freeze her eggs, Haleigh was unsure if her dream of having children would become a reality.
She was referred to Moncrief Cancer Institute’s Fertility Preservation Program. Moncrief’s program works with cancer patients, ages 18 to 39, before, during and after treatment, and is open to all patients regardless of disease progression, insurance plan, or the ability to pay. The program is designed to allow diagnosed cancer patients a single source that facilitates all aspects of fertility preservation and associated options. We partner with the Rutledge Foundation to help young adults with cancer offset the costs of fertility preservation.
“Moncrief Cancer Institute has been a blessing,” Haleigh said. “They made freezing my eggs possible. They gave me peace of mind knowing that I can have children when the time is right. I could not have done this without them.”