Mobile Breast Cancer Screening
Request an Appointment
For women 40 and older, annual breast cancer screenings are vital. Many Texas women in rural areas do not have easy access to a cancer clinic, which is why we send our Mobile Cancer Clinic to more than 35 rural counties in North and Central Texas. Our 18-wheeler features advanced 3D mammography, also known as a digital breast tomosynthesis, which is considered the most advanced breast screening and diagnostic technology. 3D mammography captures multiple images of breast tissue and creates a three-dimensional picture of the breast. The result is a clearer image and a more accurate test. Our Mobile Cancer Clinic is also fully equipped with private dressing and exam rooms.
Call Moncrief Cancer Institute at 800.405.7739 to schedule a mammogram or click here to request an appointment. Please note that appointments must be made in advance; we regret walk-ins are not possible.
• Mammograms can be booked Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
• 3D mammography
• Private exam rooms
• ADA accessibility
• Most insurance plans and Medicare are accepted.
• Funding is available for uninsured and underserved women.
To Qualify:
• Breast cancer screening for women 40 and older
• It must be at least 1 year since your last mammogram.
Funding is provided by grants from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), Susan G. Komen® Greater Fort Worth, Susan G. Komen® North & West Texas, and Susan G. Komen® Greater Central and East Texas.
If you’re interested in bringing the mobile clinic to your workplace, church or a community event, call 817.288.9872.
If you are having breast problems, consult your physician or call 800.405.7739 to speak with a Moncrief nurse navigator.